The Liquidity Risk Book


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2013-11-18-20: Masterclass "Effectively Integrating The Cost Of Liquidity Risk And Basel III Into Bank's Transfer Pricing"

Robert Fiedler will be leading a one-day Masterclass on 'Effectively
Integrating The Cost Of Liquidity Risk And Basel III Into Bank's Transfer
Pricing' at this year's Liquidity Risk Management Congress (London,
November 18 - 20).
This one-day Masterclass will delve into key topics including best
practice transfer pricing methods and processes, transfer pricing in a
world with no uncertainty, integrating the uncertainties of the originated
transaction, key liquidity risk concepts, regulatory costs and much more.
The workshop is part of CFP's Annual Liquidity Risk Management Congress
featuring presentations and discussions from more than 20 senior risk and
treasury professionals from institutions including RBS, Credit Suisse,
Barclays, Santander, Lloyd's Banking Group, HSBC, UBS and a Keynote
Address from Sylvie Matherat, Deputy Director General, Banque de France
and Chair of the Basel Committee's Liquidity Group.
For further information, the full agenda and to register, please visit:



2013/12/11-12, Amsterdam: Presentation "Liquidity Scenario Analysis in Transfer Pricing"

Robert Fiedler will give a presentation at the IIR conference "on Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP)" in Amsterdam on the 11th and 12th of December:


  • Expected Return, Uncertainty and Risk
  • Why Stress Tests are Compulsory for Value Risks (Market- & Credit Risk)
  • Why Stress Test are Part of Illiquidity Risk Models (and thus Redundant)
  • Idealized Transfer Prices for Financial Transactions with ‘Scheduled’ Cash Flows
  • The Price of Uncertainty: Aberration of Real from Scheduled CFs
  • Expected Deviations are (Expected) Costs
  • Value Risks: Unexpected Aberrations (Losses) Need to be Covered by Capital
  • Illiquidity Risks: Unexpected Aberrations (Unanticipated Liquidity Deficits) Need to be Protected with Liquidity Portfolios
  • The Cost of Capital
  • The Cost of a Liquidity Portfolio
  • How Much ‘Unexpected’ can be Expected
  • The Bank’s Required Resilience Against Uncertainty
  • The Cost of Resilience





2013/12/02-03, Accra, Ghana: "Asset Liability Management"

Asset Liability Management” will be by Robert Fiedler in Accra, Ghana on December 2-3.


2013/11/20-21, NY: Course "Liquidity Risk"

Robert Fiedler will be leading this course


2013/11/18-20, London: Conference / Masterclass "Effectively Integrating The Cost Of Liquidity Risk And Basel III Into Bank's Transfer Pricing"

Robert Fiedler will be leading 'Effectively Integrating The Cost Of Liquidity Risk And Basel III Into Bank's Transfer Pricing' at this year's Liquidity Risk Management Congress (London, November 18 - 20).
This one-day Masterclass will delve into key topics including best
practice transfer pricing methods and processes, transfer pricing in a
world with no uncertainty, integrating the uncertainties of the originated
transaction, key liquidity risk concepts, regulatory costs and much more.
The workshop is part of CFP's Annual Liquidity Risk Management Congress
featuring presentations and discussions from more than 20 senior risk and
treasury professionals from institutions including RBS, Credit Suisse,
Barclays, Santander, Lloyd's Banking Group, HSBC, UBS and a Keynote
Address from Sylvie Matherat, Deputy Director General, Banque de France
and Chair of the Basel Committee's Liquidity Group.
For further information, the full agenda and to register, please visit:



2013/11/13-14, London: Course "Liquidity Risk"

Robert Fiedler will be leading this course


2013/11/08, Vienna (with Leonard Matz!): Post-conference Workshop "Liquidity Transfer Pricing"

Leonard Matz and Robert Fiedler will be co-leading a post-conference workshop at the 8th Annual Liquidity Management Conference (6-8 November 2013 in Vienna).


2013/09/04-06, London: Seminar "Liquidity Risk Management"

3 day seminar conducted by Robert Fiedler


2013/08/28-9, Kuala Lumpur: Seminar "Integrating Liquidity Risk into Transfer Pricing"

conducted by Robert Fiedler


2013/06/26, London: Workshop "Transfer Pricing"

led by Robert Fiedler

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