2017/10/05-03, Singapore: (Intraday) Liquidity Risk and FTP (public course)
2017/06/30-29, Bangkok: Enterprise-wide Value and Risk Management
2017/06/28-26, Bangkok: (Intraday) Liquidity Risk and FTP
Robert Fiedler gives a Seminar in Bangkok on the 26th, 28th and 29th of June 2017
2017/05/18-20, Hamburg: Liquidity Risk in Risk Management & Regulation
Robert Fiedler talks on 'Liquidity Risk' at the Seminar 'Risk Management & Regulation' of the Hamburg School of Business and Administration on the 18-20/05/2017 in Hamburg
2017/04/6-4, Singapore: (Intraday) Liquidity Risk and FTP (public course)
Robert Fiedler gives a public seminar in Singapore on the 4th, 5th and 6th April 2017 on (Intraday) Liquidity Risk and FTP
2016/11/30-28, London: Liquidity Risk Management (Euromoney Seminar)
Robert Fiedler gives a 3-day seminar on (Intraday) Liquidity Risk & FTP from 28 to 30 November 2016 in London
2016/11/16, Amsterdam: Stochastic Intraday Liquidity Simulation (Fleming's 5th European Stress Testing for Banks)
Robert Fiedler speaks at Fleming's 5th European Stress Testing for Banks on the 15/16 November 2016 in Amsterdam on 'Stochastic Intraday Liquidity Simulation'
2016/09/8-5, Singapore: Liquidity Risk; FTP and Intraday Liquidity & Cash Management
Robert Fiedler gives 3 Seminarsin Singapore on the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th of September 2016 on:
- Liquidity Risk Measurement and Management
- Funds Transfer Pricing
- Intraday Liquidity (Risk) Management
2016/04/29, Munich: Liquidity Risk for Insurers (User Group Solvency II)
„Liquiditätsrisiko: Konzepte zur Ermittlung, Quantifizierung und Steuerung – nicht nur für Banken“