2013/12/11-12, Amsterdam: Presentation "Liquidity Scenario Analysis in Transfer Pricing"
Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 7:25PM

Robert Fiedler will give a presentation at the IIR conference "on Funds Transfer Pricing (FTP)" in Amsterdam on the 11th and 12th of December:
- Expected Return, Uncertainty and Risk
- Why Stress Tests are Compulsory for Value Risks (Market- & Credit Risk)
- Why Stress Test are Part of Illiquidity Risk Models (and thus Redundant)
- Idealized Transfer Prices for Financial Transactions with ‘Scheduled’ Cash Flows
- The Price of Uncertainty: Aberration of Real from Scheduled CFs
- Expected Deviations are (Expected) Costs
- Value Risks: Unexpected Aberrations (Losses) Need to be Covered by Capital
- Illiquidity Risks: Unexpected Aberrations (Unanticipated Liquidity Deficits) Need to be Protected with Liquidity Portfolios
- The Cost of Capital
- The Cost of a Liquidity Portfolio
- How Much ‘Unexpected’ can be Expected
- The Bank’s Required Resilience Against Uncertainty
- The Cost of Resilience