The Liquidity Risk Book


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2015/06/23, London: Funds Transfer Pricing

Robert Fiedler conducts FTP course


2015/04/23-24, Hannover: Liquidity Risk (mit msg Gillardon)


2015/02/26-27, Krakow, Poland: Lambda Days

Robert Fiedler leads workshop on liquidity risk


2015/02/11-12, Helsinki: Liquidity Risk

2 days in-house course


2014/11/24-26 Prague: 3-day workshop on "Liquidity Risk Measurement and Management"

Key Objectives and Learning Outcomes

  • Identify what liquidity risk is and how its different types can be distinguished
  • Hear about the best practice within leading international banks
  • Develop a consistent methodology to measure, monitor and manage illiquidity risk
  • Understand the role of liquidity risk in the bank?s transfer pricing process and quantify its direct and indirect costs
  • Understand the requirements and impacts of liquidity regulations such as Basel III and learn how to manage them
  • Learn to model liquidity risk exposures and their mitigating strategies

What Will Participants Learn? 
This course will pinpoint the diverse types of liquidity risk and walk through a methodology for measuring and managing illiquidity risk. There will be an important focus on overcoming the difficulties of cash flow forecasting and dealing with uncertainties in general. As illiquidity risk is not a value risk, it cannot be mitigated by capital; as a substitute for capital the CounterBalancing Capacity of the bank?s liquidity buffer is described and examined. As a tool for managing the development of the balance sheet, the role of liquidity risk costs in transfer pricing will be analyzed. Finally Basel III is discussed, its impacts on bank?s business models are qualified and possible ways to manage the adherence to the rules are developed.



2014/11/11-12: Helsinki, Finland: "Liquidity Risk & Funds Transfer Pricing"

2 days public course



2014/10/11-12, Amman, Jordan: "Liquidity Risk & Funds Transfer Pricing"

Robert Fiedler conducts in-house workshop at major bank in Jordan


2014/09/03 Singapore: Master Class Workshop "FTP Implementation"

Robert Fiedler leads at the 7th annual Liquidity, Treasury and FTP conference (3rd to 5th September 2014) a Half-Day Interactive Conference Workshop on "FTP Implementation"


2014/09/01-02 Manila, Philippines: workshop "Liquidity Risk Management"


2014/06/27 Cartagena de Indias, Colombia: "Liquidity Transfer Pricing" within the 13th Financial Risk Congress

The Association of Banking and Financial Institutions of Colombia, Asobancaria, is organizing the thirteenth version of the Financial Risk Congress, summoning leaders  of financial institutions and the public sector involved in risk management and in the design of the basic principles that guide this activity. The event will be held on June 26th and 27th 2014 at the Hilton Hotel in the city of Cartagena  de Indias, Colombia.

Robert Fiedler will talk on "Liquidity Transfer Pricing"